Why I Love Public Speaking

Some children grow up wanting to be ballerinas. Others want to be astronauts. I always wanted to stand up in front of people and help them feel. At the time, I thought the best way to be seen for my voice and my beauty was to become an actress. It was my dream.

All I knew was that I felt most alive when I was performing, whether that meant putting on shows for my family or reciting poetry at school. But that’s just one reason why I’ve always loved public speaking and why it’s an important part of my life and career today. Today, I want to tell you all about my love affair with public speaking.

Once upon a time, I wanted to be an actress

In some of my fondest childhood memories, I see myself acting out scenes from my favourite book, The Fox and the Crow. Once I had an idea for a scene or a story in my head, I couldn’t wait to get onto my stage (the living room carpet) and perform for my audience (my family).

When I started school, I discovered poetry, which became one of my favourite topics. Beyond the thrill of being on stage, there are three reasons I adore poetry:

  1. I’m a romantic person. A big dreamer and poetry helped me connect with this aspect of myself. I felt drawn to the stories whose stories evoked the most emotion. The narrator’s anger, happiness, grief and lust made me feel alive, too.

  2. I was amazed at how I could bring a story to life through subtle changes in intonation and the power of vocabulary. It taught me valuable lessons about verbal communication and its power to transport audiences anywhere you want.

  3. Speaking aloud brought me so much joy. Even rehearsing at home with my mum, practising until I was perfect, made me so happy.

Public speaking is all about connection

Soon, I realised that acting wasn’t the only way to connect with audiences. Everything that I loved about acting also applied to public speaking. Yes, you are alone on the stage, and yes, you’re telling your personal story rather than playing fictional characters, but are acting and speaking so different? As with acting, the power of motivational speaking lies in your ability to express yourself through your voice, body, charm, and aura.

As I grew older, I experienced health struggles and had to build extreme resilience to cope. It was challenging, but I’m grateful to have a story I can share with audiences. As a public speaker, I’m able to share my message of empowerment and inner strength far and wide, helping men and women become more mindful in their day-to-day lives and find the courage to take steps forward in their lives.

This sense of connection is why I love public speaking. It allows me to speak from my heart, deliver a message with authenticity and connect with my audience. It allows me to tell my story. To me, that means speaking from my heart with ease and having the courage to use my voice.

The hours I spent performing as a child laid the foundation for a career where I’m lucky enough to transform my experiences and pain into an empowering and inspiring experience for audiences.

The healing power of speaking

Last year, I found myself struggling with low moods. I accepted my feelings, but when it was time to move on, I found a creative solution to get back on my feet: stand-up comedy. I desperately needed a laugh, so I took a one-week stand-up comedy course in London. It was so much fun!

On the last day, I performed in front of 100 people. Making people laugh felt incredible. And being able to laugh at yourself is so powerful, helping you release fears of judgement. I loved the playful element stand-up applies to public speaking and how it encourages vulnerability. I not only had a great laugh but walked away with role-play exercises I could practice with my clients to help them express themselves more frankly.

In 2023, I found Toastmasters, an educational organisation that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills. I love getting together with the other participants every Tuesday to deliver speeches and participate in table discussions, allowing me to lean on my creativity and improvisation skills.

Now, I’m a confidence coach

I’ve been lucky enough to have studied improvisation, screen acting, and meditation and have combined these experiences to create a unique technique that informs my work as a motivational speaker. Using drama and mindfulness techniques, I offer coaching and public speaking courses for those looking to speak with more confidence and want to improve confidence in speaking, teaching them how to express themselves authentically and speak from the heart.

My mission is to inspire men and women not to give up. I use my voice to help people build the resilience they need to surf the waves of life, working with clients to embrace the transformative power of mindfulness.


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